In a world where people are increasingly disillusioned with traditional banks and the inefficiencies of the government, a new hero emerges—Bank of Maga. Born out of the frustration with the "clown show" of governance and the need for a more rewarding financial system, Bank of Maga promises liberty, prosperity, and financial empowerment to its holders.
🇺🇸Grab a bag from above or click the gold Eth symbol right above this,it’s so easy these caveman just did it
- **Total Transaction Fee**: 5%
- **Rewards**: 2% (redistributed to all holders)
- **Liquidity**: 1% (added to liquidity pool)
**Marketing** 1%
- **Treasury**: 1% (for future rewards and development)
The Bank of Maga was created by a group of visionary developers and financial experts who believed that people deserve better than the outdated and corrupt systems currently in place. They envisioned a world where financial freedom was accessible to everyone, where rewards were abundant, and where the community had a voice in the governance of their assets. One of its members is a 100% disabled vet, and the team is committed to donating back to men's mental health and disabled veterans programs.
Please be advised that Bank Of Maga WWTD Memecoin is a cryptocurrency created for entertainment purposes and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Donald J. Trump. While WWTD Memecoin may reference or incorporate elements related Trump’s persona, image, or likeness, it does not imply any direct endorsement, partnership, or approval by Trump. Any resemblance or association between WWTD Memecoin and Donald J. Trump is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes.